//Every LAN may or may not be with WAN but every WAN will be with LAN//

Chinmay Kulkarni
3 min readSep 15, 2020


Hello everyone!! Now-a-days in this world of cut-throat competition, network is playing a vital role. As we are going to discuss about the dependence of LAN and WAN on each other, firstly let us know about the different categories of network which includes LAN and WAN in it.

Categories Of Networks

What is a network?

A network is a set of devices connected by communication links.

There are three categories of network, they are :

1] Local Area Network(LAN) :

A Local Area Network is usually privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or campus.

Local Area Network

2] Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) :

A Metropolitan Area Network is a network with a size between a LAN and a WAN. It normally covers the area inside a town or a city.

Metropolitan Area Network

3] Wide Area Network(WAN) :

A Wide Area Network provides long-distance transmission of data, image, audio and video information over large geographical areas that may comprise a country, a continent, or even the whole world.

Wide Area Network

//Every LAN may or may not be with WAN but every WAN will be with LAN//

To explain the above concept let us consider an example of sharing files. In LAN all the devices are connected locally through cables or wireless fidelity. so if we need to share any files locally they can be shared without the help of WAN using cables or wireless fidelity. On the other hand, if we need to share a file with my relative who is overseas, I’ll need a WAN to do it. In a nutshell, LAN connects devices locally so while sharing files locally, we may not need WAN as it’s coverage area is far more than a LAN. But while sharing a file overseas, my device and my relative’s device, both will be connected to a LAN, and those two LANs will be connected using WAN whose coverage area is about a country, or a continent, or whole world as stated in the above paragraph.

Hence we can conclude that, Every LAN may or may not be with WAN but every WAN will be with LAN.

Thanks for reading!!

